Digital PR Blogs
What Is Social Proof?
The first thing to understand when talking about the psychology of social proof is that human beings are pack animals. Regardless of how advanced we are as a species, we're programmed to follow the crowd. Social proof is an interesting phenomenon and a tool that...
What Is the Difference Between PR and Content Marketing?
The worlds of PR and content marketing are intertwined - but there are a series of differences between these two aspects of digital marketing, both of which may be equally important to your strategy. In a nutshell, PR is about communicating with established audiences...
Digital PR Agency v Traditional PR Agency
PR isn't a new concept to the business world - but, like most of the marketing, advertising and promotional sector, it has evolved massively over the last few years. Fundamentally, both traditional and digital PR agencies have the same objective; to build brand...
What Is Social Proof, and Why Is It So Important for Business Growth?
Social proof is an essential concept within a business brand strategy - but it can be elusive if you're unsure how to get it! It refers to a long-standing factor in customer decision-making, although social proof has evolved into digital testimonials, brand features,...